By Bhavana Bindra It was around the same time last year… it had occurred to me that I wanted to share my Janmashtmi decorations (simple as they were) with someone beyond the little family that exuded similar enthusiasm as me in actually executing them for the pleasure of the mischievous, smiling God as we all […]
Category Archives: Focus
In anger exactly this happens and we see ourselves loosing control. We ponder later why this happened, we uttered what we did not want, we acted what we did not plan.
That greater sense of connection between living and dead family members is one reason that preparing for burial can be a ‘happy’ event.
For some of us happiness is a way of life yet for some it’s a daily struggle. we often come across friends and acquaintances who carry the burden of the world on their shoulders, while others see beauty in everything around them. These are the people who stay put in an unhappy state of mind. […]
…. What colour you want? My daughter asked me if I remembered a particular book she had once procured via a Book festival for children. It was special because it was the first time she had experienced a reading of any book with the author. Well, the truth was it was also my first (or […]
Anger is an important emotion, which can be used for the purpose of self-growth. It is possible that the fire in you also goes away if you drop your anger.
It was 9 pm at night and we had just ventured out on our customary walk. Having tuned into an early dinner followed by a stroll in the pleasant climes of wintry Mumbai, my husband was in for a shock as I made a sprint unannounced. One moment I was by his side and the […]
Experiment a little with these mood-elevating foods and supplements. You’ll be happy you did.
…. What colour you want? My daughter asked me if I remembered a particular book she had once procured via a Book festival for children. It was special because it was the first time she had experienced a reading of any book with the author. Well, the truth was it was also my first (or […]
If you’re serious about this, learn NLP! Or, learn mindfulness. Practice calming down your default mode network, the autopilot part of your brain. Do anything to get control of your own head.