In 1945, within months of his liberation from a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, Viktor Frankl (who was earlier a psychologist practicing in Vienna) wrote the book ‘Man’s Search For Meaning’. The book not only explored the horrors and suffering that Frankl endured in the camps but majorly, it wanted to answer the question: what […]
In the second part of the series about the origination of emotions, we’ll be looking at the cognitive-affective theories about the same and also draw an analysis of what we’ve looked at in Part 1 and Part 2. The following two theories falls under the broad category of cognitive-affective theories which examine how cognitions and […]
The ‘other’ (in the family, work place, community) is always beyond control. Yet, the ‘other’ consumes the most mind space and acts as the switch to our pretence of happiness or unhappiness. If you could move deeper within you, and fill your mind with the light of love and gratitude for the Divine and learn […]
We have attached too much importance to head, and through head to the externals of life. All thinking has been to improve the life that is on the periphery, for the problems that are self-created, chasing the mirage that is non-existent. Now is the time for humanity to fall in love, to fall from head […]
All meditations lead you to an inward journey. The deeper you go, the more you connect with your self. But the real liberation is when you observe the observer. That is where the ego disappears and what is left is pure consciousness. Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR […]
In the second part, we’ll find out how a certain Indian Goddess results in the creation of thunderstorms and lightning, how too many vaginas can sometimes cause trouble and much more! Nimibatapa When Nimibatapa, of the Sherdukpen people, and her husband argue, things pan out very differently from the way they do in case of […]
Whatever is our childhood programming we act accordingly, we are all grown up children. Always seeking attention, love and appreciation. But let us not forget our family and society have groomed us as unnatural beings. We have grown up not knowing our inner as reality but the outer as reality. Now we are torn between […]
I wish to start this article by first stating that jealousy is not a sign of love. Phew. Now that I’ve made the air clear, let me jot down some actual motives that might push one to become jealous: 1. Low self-esteem 2. Feelings of insecurity and possessiveness 3. Neuroticism: Unstable moods, thoughts and emotions […]
As long as you perceive the cause of all sufferance outside of you, so long the sufferance continues. Once you see the cause inside of you, in your own mind and start working to change, your world startS to change! Carl Jung says, “one who looks outside dreams one who looks inside awakens”. Let the […]
I have seen that when you resist the negative it becomes more powerful, as if it sucks our energy and is empowered! People all over the world are tired of living a life of compromise! No one seems to live his or her own life. The inner resistance builds up. Anger and anguish are expressions […]