Happiness Is The Constant Factor In Our Life

When we were kids we were taught about four sections of a human’s life that were defined in ‘vedas’. The Baal-ashram, Grihasth-ashram, Vanprasth-ashram and Sanyas-ashram. These different sections defined the best way to celebrate life separated by 25 years each. The Baal-ashram defined the first 25 years of one’s life where one was supposed to […]

Spirituality means that we are alive in this world

Spirituality is based on the premise that we live in this world, but we are not from it. Many of our problems lie in not understanding our fundamental identity. We are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences. It is impossible to realise this principal theoretically. We can attend […]

Having more than one string to your bow

One of the best ways to achieve that state is to meditate on feeling that transcend our mental afflictions. If, for instance, we gradually let our mind be invaded by a feeling of love and compassion for all beings, the warmth of such a thought will very likely melt the ice of our frustrations, while its gentleness will cool the fire of our desires.