How about just stopping or pausing for a few seconds before you do one of the many autopilot (unconscious) acts of the day’s chores, and see if you can find the true Doer within you in the very core of your being? A few such acts will make you a karma yogi as taught in […]
In an interview with Hindustan Times, the Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka, in Chandigarh University Convocation, said: I never feel I have arrived, though I have come to the journey’s end. He is 85 and still waiting for his arrival.
The work that one has to do upon self consists in taking back from the robot, de-automatising processes. And you will be surprised: if you de-automatise any process great awareness is released.
People pray out of misery. They pray because they are miserable and they think they will be able to get out of it through prayer. At the most, that kind of prayer can help to console them, but it cannot help them to get out of misery. They will become settled and adjusted to their […]
When was the last time someone put aside everything to listen to you? And made you feel like every single word you said carried an important story, no matter how small or big? How did that make you feel? Significant? Accepted? Appreciated? This is the power of deep listening. I thoroughly enjoy myself when I […]
I remember, a few years ago, Madhya Pradesh High Court had ordered the Jabalpur Municipal Corporation to take care of this Maulshree tree, now known as Osho’s enlightenment tree. After the proper care and beautification, now the whole garden looks so majestic. After the Enlightenment, Osho started sharing the fragrance of enlightenment in Jabalpur itself, his friends started organising […]
बिना गारंटी के युवा को मिलेगा 50 लाख तक का लोन शिवराज सरकार मुख्यमंत्री उद्यम क्रांति योजना की लांचिंग 31 मार्च मध्यप्रदेश की शिवराज सरकार अब प्रदेश के युवाओं को खुद का रोजगार उपलब्ध कराने के लिए 50 लाख रूपए तक के लोन मुहैया करेगी। खास बात यह है कि इस लोन के लिए युवा […]
Maybe at some point in the day, you find yourself gazing at the clouds beyond the curtains or slowly sipping onto your tea or brushing your hands against the soft fur of your pet or noticing the texture of what you are wearing or relishing the taste of what is over your tongue. And at […]
So when you wants to hold on to the good, all that he can do is put the good side of the coin on top, but the bad will always be present underneath. When he catches hold of the good, the bad will automatically be in his hand as well because it is not a separate thing, it is the other side of the good.
Your awareness is more like 24/7 cctv! Everything is watched and recorded but nothing touches the core! The more you practice doing small things with alertness and attention the more you are able to attain to the most important skill is life – “acceptance”. Once you “accept” you are not reacting or resisting, there you […]