Positive Psychology & in Social Media

By Sahil Gadhavi Positive psychology is a movement started by professor Martin Seligman. It is a field of psychology which studies the power of psychology in improving the daily experience of humans. It recognizes the difficulty of existence and seeks to ease it with a better understanding of the human mind & behavior. Today there […]

Why Skeptics Believe That To Hold Any Knowledge Is Impossible

Jonathan Dancy is a 20th century British philosopher who has written on ethics and epistemology. In his text, An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Dancy offers us three arguments that the skeptics offer us to prove the uncertainty of knowledge. These are ‘Brains in Vats Argument’, ‘The Argument from Error’ & ‘The Arguments from Experience’.Skepticism is […]

These Words Of Kabir Can Soothe You During These Uncertain Times…

Kabir Das, a 15th-century Indian mystic poet and saint, composed during his lifetime couplets that are as simple with their words as they are sublime with their wisdom. If we try to understand the golden meaning behind these dohas, we’ll be able to lead our lives more fully. In this series, we attempt to interpret […]

देसी गाय की देखरेख करने शिवराज सरकार देगी 9 सौ रूपए

प्राकृतिक खेती पर जोर, रासायनिक खाद, कीटनाशक दवाओं को किया जाएगा नियंत्रित मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने प्रदेश में प्राकृतिक खेती को बढ़ावा देने के लिए अब किसानों को देसी गाय पालने पर जोर दिया है। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा है कि किसानों को देसी गाय पालन के लिए गाय की देखरेख करने हेतु […]