To be mindful is to bring yourself to the present moment and touch deeply the essence of anything that appears to you. The journey is to uplift your self from doing to flowing, from egoic efforts to effortless divine flow. Look outside the window, see the nature, they are all in a flow, no struggle, […]
Greece the country of Dionysus, dancing with a glass on your head, dancing on the beach a la Zorba the Greek, dancing while drinking ouzo (the anise scented liquor I still cant smell without remembering a particularly potent night in 1997) and just dancing in general. Greeks know how to hae good time but alongside […]
So to be more productive and steer clear of negativity, do not take refuge in criticism. Reserve ‘ I am’ for empowerment and pave the way for over all success.
An old ‘Shammi Kapoor Unplugged’ video from the turn of this millennium popped up out of the blue recently in one of my WhatsApp (WA) groups. In that one can hear the late famous actor gyrator talk about the role that internet played in his life and how it reconnected him to a long separated […]
To keep a balance one should sometimes forget all about dignity, one should sometimes bend in company, laugh like a fool, be like a child – be human”, said the fool as walked out of the gate with his beloved donkey.
Godhas no form, no name, no definition. God idefinable, indescribable, inexpressible. Hence whatsoever has been said about God is all wrong. The moment it is said, it becomes wrong. One can be right about God only if one remains silent. Utter a single word and you have missed the point. Nothing can be said about […]
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William Damon (Professor at Stanford University and a world’s leading researcher on the development of purpose in life) defines Purpose as a feeling something meaningful and you believe that it is adding something worth to the world. You have a purpose. When you have purpose you become motivated and energised. Believes that it is a […]
योगी सरकार का एक और रिकॉर्ड, 42 आरोग्य मेलों में एक करोड़ लोगों का उपचार रंग ला रहा योगी सरकार का बेहतर शिक्षा और बेहतर स्वास्थ्य का संकल्प 42 मुख्यमंत्री जन आरोग्य मेलों में हुआ 8.73 लाख से अधिक गोल्डन कार्ड का वितरण, उपचार के लिए अब तक 1.53 लाख लोगों को हायर सेंटर रेफर […]
उत्तर प्रदेश की योगी सरकार ने वाराणसी में कंप्रेस्ड बायो गैस का शुरू किया उत्पादन। वाराणसी के शाहंशापुर में 23 करोड़ की लागत से करीब सात एकड़ में बनाया गया है बायोगैस प्लांट। प्लांट से 3150 किलो प्रतिदिन सीबीजी का होगा उत्पादन। प्रदूषण से मिलेगी राहत। उद्यमी सीबीजी के इस्तेमाल से करीब 5 प्रतिशत की बचत कर सकते है। गैस […]