We are all bound by the fetters of our concepts and notions about us and everyone and everything. Your wife, husband, mother, father, animals and trees, stars and galaxies, sin and virtue, are only concepts of mind. If you peel the surface and go deep, you reach a reality where your concepts and notions become […]
Prayer is not scientific. But meditation is utterly scientific. Just as the scientist watches, observes the objective phenomenon, the meditator watches the psychological phenomenon, It is the same process: a detached watching, unprejudiced observation with no conclusions — because if you have a conclusion already, there is no point in watching. Then you will manage […]
Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari Last week I shared with you the details of Daily Morning Practice for Self Management. Needless to emphasise the need for self management in the modern times of today. This series is to help you contemplate on these thoughts and meditate. Today I am sharing with you the importance of right breathing for […]
in another discourse, Osho says: The death of an enlightened being like J. Krishnamurti is nothing to be sad about, it is something to be celebrated with songs and dances. It is a moment of rejoicing. His death is not a death. He knows his immortality. His death is only the death of the body. But J. Krishnamurti will go on living in the universal consciousness, forever and forever.
मध्यप्रदेश में अब महिलाएं बनाएंगी गांवों में सड़क मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कहा महिला स्व सहायता समूहों को बनाया जाएगा सशक्त मध्यप्रदेश में अब महिला स्व सहायता समूह बड़ी, पापड़, अचार, खाद्य सामग्री, साबुन, डिटर्जेंट पाउडर के अलावा सड़कें बनाने का काम भी करेंगे। सरकार ने पहले इन समूहों को भोपाल जिल के अलावा […]
“Failure could be the end or a beginning, as parsed by our mind.” Related posts: No related posts.
Go in. Rest in your own being and slowly, slowly, as the rest becomes deeper, as your relaxation starts becoming a settled phenomenon, when nothing distracts you, when you become the center of a cyclone, then bliss arises. And of course, a blissful person is a blessing to the world, just as a miserable person […]
‘What if’ is a powerful hindsight which has the potential of redemption and transformation of those who are lucky to outlive an event, writes Nagesh Alai ‘What if’ is a classic conundrum of the human mind creating probable alternatives to events that have already happened in their lives. Without exception, every person experiences this syndrome […]
Aloha, noun, meaning love, compassion, sympathy, kindness, respect and forgiveness – thought to date back AD 500, when Polynesian settlers first arrived on the islands Hawaiian scholar Mary Kawena Pukui wrote that the first expression of aloha was the love between a parent and child. Commonly used as a greeting but also a way of […]
Don’t let a lack of success hurt your self esteem. There are reasons for everything. Conventional wisdom suggest that is unacceptable to blame bad luck for a lack of success when you try something new.