The common factor in various forms of the feeling is escape from the self – and this can range from a spiritual desire to loose yourself in God to a more materialistic desire to get out of your head at weekends.
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There is so much waiting for each one of us in the space between thoughts and breaths!! Find time to just be silent, relaxed, open and non-judgmentally observing your thoughts and watching your breaths with attention. The witnessing is magical. Witnessing stills the thoughts, expands the experience of Now and without your knowledge gives you […]
Let me put it in this way : if you are vulnerable, it means you are ready to live in insecurity. Deep downs it means you are ready even to die. You will not resist, you will not oppose, you will not stand in the way. If death comes, there will be no resistance. You will simply allow it to happen. You accept existence it its totality. Then how can you feel it as death?
A new combination, a new synergy is needed: awareness with spontaneity. That is what indian sufi mystic Kabir mean when he says Sahaj Samadhi. Shaj means spontaneity, and Samadhi means awareness: Spontaneous awareness.
The Himalayan ranges span across India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Nepal, and Bhutan and house the highest peak in Mount Everest and house the world’s third largest deposits of ice and snow.
– Bliss is the highest dimension of joy. The first is pleasure — that is animal. The second is happiness — that is human. And bliss is divine. Sex is animal, love is human, prayer is divine. In love there may be sex, there may not be. In prayer there is no possibility of sex, […]
भाईचारा बनाए रखने निर्विरोध निर्वाचन पर शिवराज का जोर मध्यप्रदेश मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने प्रदेश में समरस पंचायतों पर जोर है। वे चाहते हैं कि पंचायतों में चुनाव के दौरान लड़ाई-झगड़े ज्यादा होते हैं, इससे भाईचारा पर प्रभाव पड़ता है। इसके लिए प्रदेश में पंचायत चुनाव में समरस पंचायत याने निर्विरोध निर्वाचन पर जोर […]
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देश के ताकत बनकर उभरेगी नए भारत की नई पीढ़ी छात्रों में भारतीय मूल्यों और संस्कारों की मशाल जलाएं श्री दुर्गा शंकर मिश्र,मुख्य सचिव प्रदेश के मुख्य सचिव श्री दुर्गा शंकर मिश्र ने कहा कि हमारे शिक्षक ही नए भारत की नई पीढ़ी बनाने का कार्य कर रहे हैं, जो देश के लिए एक ताकत […]