सीएम योगी जेम पोर्टल से खरीदारी न करने पर सख्त, होगी कार्यवाही एसीएस एमएसएमई ने ई टेंडरिंग करने वाले विभागों को भेजा पत्र, जेम से खरीदारी नहीं करने वाले विभागों के अधिकारियों के खिलाफ होगी कार्यवाही की सिफारिश सीएम योगी की मंशा के अनुरूप जेम पोर्टल से जोड़े जाएंगे सभी विभाग, जेम प्रकोष्ठ की ओर […]
गरीब कल्याण मेला की तैयारियों का सीएम योगी ने लिया जायजा शुक्रवार को राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष जेपी नड्डा के साथ भाजपा के क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय का उद्घाटन करेंगे मुख्यमंत्री मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने गुरुवार को रानीडीहा, खोराबार में आयोजित होने वाले गरीब कल्याण मेला की तैयारियों का जायजा लिया। यह मेला शुक्रवार को सुबह 11 बजे से […]
“Wise up before we wizen.” Related posts: No related posts.
Living in the past means you are thinking about your betrayal, failure, anger, regrets that happened in the past and you are remembering them again and again. Watch your body, it is reacting in the same way it did when the actual event happened in the past. You are reliving your past. You are in […]
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As the entire world is helpless and is facing a threat via the Corona Virus, it has spread its evil wings over India as well. Before we move to the astrological and tarot predictions on corona, let us first discuss the origin of corona on spiritual basis. The coronavirus did not manifest from nowhere. We […]
Let us first understand what is Wave. and then we can feel how consciousness of waves can help us enter into a deep meditation. You see wave in the ocean. They appear; they are in a sense, and still in a deeper sense they are not.
“Suffering is a gift. In it is hidden mercy.”- Rumi. Happiness is often like sand. The harder you squeeze, the less you have. While unhappiness, seems like there is an abundance of. Everywhere in society we see so much unhappiness, and it makes one wonder: Am I truly happy? Are you? I believe, to truly […]
We have wings, but we have not used them yet. And because we have not used them, we have become oblivious that they are there. Small wings are not that small because they can cover the whole sky: their capacity is infinite, immense, immeasurable. There is nothing more beautiful than a bird on the wing. […]
For Sadness 1. Be Sad Don’t force yourself to be happy. As long as you get the work done, no one will notice. You can write down your sad thoughts in an email to yourself or bring a stress relieving toy to work. It’s important not to hold your sad thoughts, let them out. Otherwise […]