What are the criteria that qualify an act as good or bad? Buddhist ethics is not just ways of acting, But a way of being. A human being endowed with loving kindness, compassion, and wisdom will spontaneously act in an ethical way because he or she is good at hear
Practice of awareness brings you again and again from past and future to the present moment. Don’t react or resist physically or emotionally to anything that is hurting you or disturbing you; that will only intensify your suffering. You are on a toll road; you can’t react when asked to pay the toll for your […]
On the occasion of India’s Independence Day, we revisit the idea of freedom and see what the spiritual leader, OSHO had to say about it!
“Squander time, save money; grow poorer.” Related posts: No related posts.
Your self-remembering cannot be reflected in your mind because you are behind the mind. It can reflect only things, which are in front of it. You can just see others, but you cannot see yourself.
Mind is always mediocre. Mind is never bright, never brilliant. By its very nature it cannot be. Mind is a dust collector. Mind means the past. It is always dead; it is nothing but an accumulation of memories. And how can dust be brilliant? How can the past be intelligent? It is dead. Only the […]
Take a diary or a notebook and start today to write a Gratitude Journal. First think in retrospect from early childhood three things that made you happy, that were great moments of achievement and success, a moment of celebration and pen them down.
The young body is more vital. The old body is more wise. Each age has its own beauty: there is no need to compare them. And, particularly in the west, the old body has become a very frightening concept because life is some how thought synonymous with youth, which is foolish.
Why compartmentalize between your material mundane life and your spirituality? Without your soul who are you? Without your body what can you do? If you live life only identified with the body you see little of this world. If you live a soul life, your inner and outer are bridged and what flows out of […]
At Happy Ho, we believe that good books make great hearts! Here are some books you’d like to pick up on some evenings with a hot cup of chai (or coffee) and some pakoras (or cakes)! And do your mental health some good. The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond In exchange for her lucky leopard’s […]