Never, never, for a single moment lose your freedom. And never destroy anybody else’s freedom. That’s what religion means to me. A really religious person remains free and helps the people who come in contact with him to be free. He never possesses anybody and he never allows anybody to possess him. It needs constant […]
We have all had experiences that have had us question the intent of those around us and we may have asked ourselves, what is happening to people? We probably read something in the newspaper that had us asking, “Have they forgotten what it is to be human?” So, what is it to be human and […]
“Keep it plain, then everything will be simple.” Related posts: No related posts.
To exists, to survive, you have to do much. And then, by and by, your activity becomes a barrier to knowing your being. Your activity is your circumference- you live on it, you cannot live without it. But it is only the circumference, it is not you, it not the centre.
Related posts: No related posts.
There are methods in Buddhist practice devoted to cultivating loving-kindness and compassion. Here, the meditators try to generate an all pervading sense of benevolence, a state in which love and compassion permeate the entire mind. The led pure love and compassion be the only object of their thoughts: intense, deep, and without any limit or […]
Your body is not your body. You have no ownership. It is a gift for a specific time and the One who has given the gift resides in the sanctum of your heart. But he gave you a bit of free will to do your karma. Taking proper care of your body and mind is […]
The love I am talking about has nothing to do with our so-called relationships. Our relationships are arbitrary. The love that is eternal relates, but it never creates relationships. It relates: it relates to trees, to the sun, to the moon, to the wind, to people, to animals, to the earth, to rocks. It is […]
A wow can be helpful if taken in a very relaxed, deeply meditative mood. Otherwise you are simply showing your anger, your frustration and nothing else, and you will forget the wow within twenty four hours. The energy will have come again, and just as an old routine you will have to release it.
A lot of the time, individuals fall into maladaptive patterns of being without even realising it. These patterns are essentially streams of thought and behaviours that become subconscious and automatic. Soon enough, reaction takes precedence, without the individual being able to identify what triggered said reaction. Thought/mood journaling calls for consciously paying close attention to […]