Are you living with the fear of “what other people will think”?

A Roman Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius observed almost 2,000 years ago, “We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own,” whether they are friends, strangers, or enemies. “Judge not, that ye be not judged,” Jesus taught. To put it simply, what was meant is that maybe you think you’ll […]

Gratitude is the essence of prayer! it is possible only when you see that everything is a gift, each breath is a gift.You can’t purchase life, you can’t purchase love, you can’t purchase aesthetic sensibility, you can’t purchase creativity, you can’t purchase intelligence – but they are all given within you, even before you ask […]


If you rejoice every  moment a tremendous miracle happens: do not ever feel guilty about yourself,  You are perfectly good as you are. This is the way existence has made you; Unless one drops all borrowed knowledge, one cannot be wise.The moment you understand this, the moment you accept yourself as you are: immediately you […]


Don’t keep yourself separate. Seeing a rose, become the rose. Seeing the sunset, be lost in it.  Seeing the sky full of stars, be a small star and shine. Dissolve yourself in the whole. Don’t remain aloof. Don’t remain just a spectator, become a participant, Just as a river disappears into the  ocean, you disappear […]