Zen masters call the state of meditation the season of autumn, when all the leaves fall and the trees are standing bare, naked. When consciousness drops all thoughts, it is like a tree without leaves, without foliage, exposed to the wind, to the moon, to the sun, to the rain – uncovered, unhidden. In that […]

There are people who love gossips, and there are people who value their time and energy to devote on all that is the positive side of life. Let us together join the later group so that we can create collective consciousness of a world that thrives on love and forgiveness, harmony and peace. Love and […]

If you come across a champak flower you will see a very ordinary flower not worth looking at twice. But it is the most precious of flowers. It contains the greatest perfume possible. So always remember, appearance is not the real determining factor in life. The container is of no importance; but the content is. […]

Do you know about Stress Busters around you?

The term “Stress” is the most pervading phenomenon of recent times. Even a toddler, who has just started going to school is stressed, then what to say to his parents and grandparents? The term stress applies to physics, which describes it as a strain on a physical body. Now it applies to human beings, each […]

How to handle false accusation at work?

Accusation – False or True – has its implications. When it is true, you are subject to humiliation, but a sorry or written apology works besides your assurance that this act won’t be repeated. Though you are subject to great embarrassment, you have salvaged the situation. If the accusation is false or you are being […]