We all know that happiness is beneficial to health, and now researchers from the University College London are attempting to actually calculate what makes people experience the feel-good emotion from one moment to the next.
According to the researchers, pinpointing these moments, and learning what drives them, may have applications in clinical settings when it comes to helping those with mood disorders.
The findings tell us that individuals are happiest when events turn out better than what they anticipated.
Conscious emotional feelings, such as momentary happiness, are core to the ebb and flow of human mental experience. Momentary happiness is a state that reflects not how well things are going but instead whether things are going better than expected. This includes positive and negative expectations, even in the absence of outcomes. Happiness involves expectations and is not financially driven. Happyho also provide best tarot reading services in Noida and Delhi NCR India area.
For the study, volunteers participated in decision-making tasks which they were told would result in financial gains or losses. While their brain activity was monitored, they were periodically asked to describe their current level of happiness regarding how they felt as they engaged in the tasks. Reinforcing the saying about money not buying happiness, it was found that their happiness was linked to doing better than expected as opposed to total wealth accumulated.
Emotions aren’t something we should be afraid of. Happiness and sadness are part of being human. Happiness depends not on how well things are going, but whether they vlog are going better or worse than expected. That means that happiness may be useful for telling us whether to change what we’re doing. If we’re more unhappy than usual, maybe sometimes that means we should try something different. If we’re happy, maybe that means we’re doing the right things
Other findings have shown that happier people have a 35 percent lower risk of dying over a five-year period compared to unhappy people, and other research concludes that those in a depressed state tend to experience more physical pain while also being more prone to developing heart problems.