Tag Archives: new year

Reach your goals, well in time!

Now that we have started getting set for New Year, with renewed vigour and hope, it is time to set new goals to add value to our New Year. Do you know why goal setting is important? It is important because it gives you direction for the future. If you work on its finer details, […]

Say goodbye to Unhappiness in New Year

Swami Chaitanya Keerti It is an old story. Also it is a new story, and the story of the future as well. This is how a man always lives. He lives with a question: I am not happy, how can I be happy? What should I do that will make me happy? Mystics in past have given […]

What’s New in a Year

Nagesh Alai Neither the timelessness of the universe nor the ephemerality of life itself is lost on anyone. Social creatures that we all are, celebration of life at every opportunity is understandable and is but a sub-conscious acceptance of the inexorable passage of time. New Year or should I say New Years are literally dime […]