If there’s one man whose words continue to serve as a beacon of hope, of light generations after they were penned, it is Kabir Das, a 15th century Sufi poet & mystic. Kabir’s couplets believed in overcoming age-old superstitions and myths, and bringing down humans to their roots of love, warmth and care for each […]
Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being
The schools of Indian Philosophy can be broadly divided broadly into two classes, namely, orthodox (astika) and heterodox (nastika). Under the first group fall the six philosophical systems of Mimamsa, Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya and Vaisheshika. These schools belong to this category not because they believe in God but because they believe in the authority […]
Swami Chaitanya Keerti Many people often ask me: What does Osho say about the purpose of life. And I tell them what Osho has often said the purposelessness is the very nature of life. This answer shocks them. And to bring them out of this space of shock, I tell them: If you really […]
Let’s get to it right away! Zeus The king of the Greek Gods, Zeus was the most powerful of the lot. Being the God of the sky and thunder, he had the magnificent ability to throw lightning bolts. His winged horse carried the bolts and he trained an eagle to retrieve them. Zeus also had […]
The Gods were very curious to see this man who had become empty of himself and they couldn’t wait anymore. So they played a trick. They went to the kitchen as Tozan was coming from his morning walk. They grabbed a handful of rice and wheat and threw it onto his path.
A man was standing on a hilltop. Three other men gazed at him from below and wondered what he’s doing up there, all by himself. One of them said that he knew that man and that this man has a cow. So he must have lost the cow and is now looking for it from […]
Whether the day has just started with its roughness or the bad is finally over, there is someone who can always make things better – Jesus. Millions have turned towards him in times so rough that the heart needs some hope and millions continue turning in his direction to this day. Here are five ways […]
In everyday language, we often refer to the aura of those we like or dislike. Many a times, we use this term quite casually but deep down somewhere, it indicates our understanding of someone’s personality. And yes, aura is a thing! Think of your aura like a magnet that pulls all the vibrational energies in […]
Coronavirus Might Attack the Brain, Too–writes Robert Roy Britt in his article published recently (on the web https://elemental.medium.com//) It’s not yet clear how SARS-CoV-2 might be affecting the brain, but experience with other viruses, including the flu, suggests it certainly could make its way there. Coronaoia seems to have gripped the whole of humanity in the […]
Buddha was mainly an ethical teacher and a mystic rather than a metaphysician and preached only orally. Buddhism, in its lifetime, has spread to South Korea, Sri Lanka, Japan, China, Thailand and many more countries. It has touched the lives of 535 million people as of 2010. Stories of Buddha have been doing rounds of […]