Category Archives: Spirituality & Well Being

What Is Vipassana? Where Did It Come From?

The meaning of the word ‘Vipassana’ is insight – to perceive things as they really are, without a veil, without any facade, in their absolute true nature. Practicing Vipassana involves a practical and scientific examination and observation of the self that results in complete purification of the mind and achievement of the highest possible happiness.  […]

The Mirror of No-Mind Reflects Your Inner Being

Recently a friend, a sincere seeker, sent me a query on Quora: What is the difference of involvement, participation, and witnessing in relation to meditation? What is the difference between totality and concentration?   This is certainly a genuine question of all the seekers on the path. My response is based on my experience and my understanding: […]

Why Enlightenment Can Only Be Experienced, Not Explained

uddha was to give an extremely special talk one day. Thousands of people from miles around had come. When Buddha arrived, he was holding a flower. Time passed but Buddha said nothing. He just kept looking at the flower. The crowd was growing unrestless. Mahakashyapa could no longer restrain himself and laughed. Buddha called him […]