Category Archives: Positive Psychology

This Is The Secret Of Happy Couples (As Per Psychological Research)

John Gottman and co-workers collected behavioural and physiological data from 130 newlywed couples while they discussed areas of marital conflict in the first six months of their marriage (finances, in-laws, sex). Six years later participants reported whether they were married happily or unhappily or divorced.

The 5 Stages Of Grief

Experiencing grief is extremely personal and painful. But what is even more painful is our inability to comprehend it. In this article, we go through the five stages of grief, as outlined by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying, to see if their knowledge is more likely to help us when it comes to understanding our own grief.

How to Cultivate Gratitude In Your Life?

Nandita Kochar One of the most powerful ways to change the atmosphere of the mind is to cultivate gratitude in our lives. This means focusing our attention on what we deeply appreciate. Appreciation softens us. It soothes our turbulent minds by connecting us with the wonderful ordinary things which often go unnoticed. There are endless […]

Are You Empathising The Right Way?

Empathy and Sympathy - Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Now you might be wondering about sympathy and how to distinguish it from empathy. Well, empathy is “I am feeling with you” & sympathy is “I am feeling for you.” Empathy is a vulnerable choice you make, to tune yourself to someone else’s emotions, to look inside yourself (often at your uncomfortable corners) in order to understand what the other must be going through