Category Archives: Osho

How can one know that his spiritual search is authentic or an ego trip

If you don’t know if you are confused, then know well that this is an ego trip. If you are not confused if you know well that this authentic, if there is no confusion  at all then it is authentic. And it is not a question of deceiving someone else. It is a question deceiving or no deceiving oneself.

We have travelled on the path of sex and anger for life after life

You fight anger, and for a moment it seems as if you are going to conquer it – but than the very next day you discover that the victory was merely imaginary, anger takes hold of you again. You fight sexual desire: for a moment it seems that you are victorious, but then again you are defeated.

Is Response-ability means you should turn the other cheek ?

Response comes from your self. Reaction is created by the other person. He has hit you. He is the master of the situation and you are simply a puppet. You are reacting. His action is decisive and because he ahs done something now you are doing something in reaction.