Category Archives: News

Do transgenders have happy right for to choose their gender

Governments of different countries are still insensitive to transgenders. the policies are much unclear and are forced upon on a person who is delicate and emotionally vulnerable. A Canadian parent is fighting for the right to not give their baby a gender after arguing that a simple biological examination cannot uncover the child’s true identity […]

Discovery of New Particle with double dose of charm

Scientists have found an extra charming new subatomic particle that they hope will help further explain a key force that binds matter together. Physicists at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe announced on Thursday the fleeting discovery of a long theorised but never-beforeseen type of baryon. Baryons are subatomic particles made up of quarks.Protons and […]

Being Sensitive is a trait but requires emotional balance through meditation

Some people have tightened emotions and they tend to be more sensitive than other. Psychologist Elaine Aron stirred widespread interest when she said that having a particularly high level of emotions sensitivity was an actual condition. Se also coined a new term to describe such people – Highly sensitive person ( HSP). On her website, […]