Each day, each breath, each moment is so precious, so beautiful, but our subconscious program does not allow us to be in the present and pulls us off to the unpleasant past or worrisome future. Spirituality is to reprogram your brain by rewriting or rewiring your thoughts consciously to attract the best situations by sending […]

Be careful about your thoughts and feelings for they have magnetic qualities. Wherever you are putting your energy and focus, consciously or unconsciously, you are attracting such situations in your life. You are happy or unhappy not because of external situations and persons, but how you are handling them and what thoughts you are nurturing. […]

Never hesitate to express your gratitude to God or anyone who helped you in need. Don’t forget if anyone expresses gratitude to you for what little you did to the person you feel happy; so also when you take every possible opportunity to say thank you, it only brings good karma, better relationships and grace […]