Nothing stays forever. It is a fast-changing, fleeting world. All is the false projections of the mind. No wonder that along with transient pleasures, miseries abound in life. There is no way to get out of the demon of mind except to lift it up to the higher reality of love and prayerfulness. Let go […]

If you are truly surrendered, then you must have tested the infinite grace of God coming to you whenever you are stuck. Yet another way to feel that invisible hand is to reach out to those who are looking for some support and are groping in the darkness. When you become a source of light […]

Let your prayers rise from the core of your heart in simple language that acknowledges the infinite gifts that have showered on you every moment since birth. Let your heart surge with love for the invisible hands of the Divine, the Lord of your existential being. Once you fill your pitcher with gratitude, your soul’s […]