Mind rides on the vehicle of Prana, your breaths. Efforts to tame the wild mind are difficult, but if you sit quietly and surf your breaths, just watch your breaths, become mindful of your breaths the mind gradually calms down opening new horizons into the world of infinite creativity and peace. Shuddhaanandaa Brahamchari Related posts: […]

Why Meditation Chairs?

Mediator sowing the right piece of meditation furniture always hold a big plus, as it is a wonderful way to get comfortable with the practice sessions. Having the best meditation chair is extremely helpful for people, needing back support, or undergoing any physical difficulty or having any discomfort on the floor.

Meditation is to be conscious of consciousness, aware of awareness, to be the witness of all the fleeting things of changing phenomena of life. Everything else requires your doing; meditation is a state of non-doing. Just sit with your body-mind for a few minutes and observe non-judgmentally the sensations of your body and passing thoughts […]

There are people who always talk of their problems and suffer from negative inner conversations. This is the state where your mind is your own enemy. This is ego-dominated mind. As you lift both your hands in surrender to the will of the Lord and follow the path of your spirit soul, you feel a […]