One of the most important things to do is to release any hurt feelings or resentment for they are poisonous for body-mind. They create blood pressure and heart issues and many other problems. Self-forgiveness and forgiving the one who caused pain releases the negative energy and creates space for good things to happen. One can […]
Ego is good only when it learns to bow down. I have seen those who are the so called elite, they cannot bow. “Vidya dadati vinayam” true education and success gives humility. Trees laden with fruits bow. Humility is the first sign of a wise soul. The Wise say one who says, ‘I know, knows […]
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In a time when many employees contemplate leaving and some actually leave their present jobs due to the lack of a supportive environment, emphasizing empathy at the workplace is a must. Here are some ways in which you can create an empathic environment where you work. 1. Listen To Your Colleagues Effort and intention is […]
We usually pick up a particular career because we have been deeply impressed by the talent and the achievements of those outstanding in that field. We decide the direction we’ll head in after sampling a glass of beer brewed by an award-winning brewer, after marveling at the sight of a tower designed by a humble […]
Hello join me on Happy Ho Youtube Live Meditation session on 30th January 2020 at 12.30 PM IST I shall guide you through a Meditation for relaxing Body and Mind. This meditation is helpful for deep relaxation and healing our body and mind. Meditation for relaxing body and mind gives you freshness and ability to […]
Before you do anything try to create a space. Do you keep typing all the characters without using the space bar? You don’t, for then it will not be a sentence but pure gibberish! By touching the space bar you create words and words create their own vibrations and energy. Make sure you don’t juggle […]
Sainath of Shirdi once sent a seeker of Brahman to his friend’s house to learn that wisdom from his maid! He was shocked! The ultimate knowledge and that too from an illiterate maid! True to Sai’s words, the man learned how to live life and be happy in the midst of all challenging situations. Wisdom […]
In the open space of mind that is consciousness, thoughts come and go, thousands of them in a day. It is not the mind that is contaminated; it is the thoughts and emotions of negativity, anger, jealousy, greed and frustrations of unfulfilled desires that create the pollution in the inner environment. To be mindful is […]
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