“And when we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans–and all that lives and move upon them. He has given us all green things and everything that blossoms […]
Why has this happened? Life is not meant to be boredom. Life is not meant to be a suffering. Life is a festival, a celebration, a peak of joy – but that is only in poetry, in dreams, in philosophies. Sometimes a Buddha, a Krishana appears to be in a deep celebration
“There may be no love lost, but let there be no hate found. ” Related posts: No related posts.
Learn deep breathing and mindful breathing practices. There are a million videos on the net. Select the authentic one. Practice. You have to increase your power to exhale. As such the more stressed you are the shorter your exhalation and more accumulation of carbon dioxide inside your body! You know what can happen out of it. […]
“Play to the gallery, plaudit will not follow.” Related posts: No related posts.
When love is unmotivated, then love is the greatest thing that can ever happen to anybody. Then love is simply not one of the emotions you might feel from time to time. Love is who you are.
Zazen means just sitting doing nothing. The first thing to do is learn sitting, a deep restfulness. Become a pool of rest, not even ripples of desire, going nowhere, no ambition—not even for God, not even for nirvana.
Related posts: No related posts.
Never take the words that pass your mind, however ugly they are as reality; they appear from subconscious and if you are mindful just watch them as passing clouds and don’t resist or judge and energize them. They surface only to be burned in the light of your awareness. You are shuddha buddha nitya, the […]
Living in this world of challenging situations men and women, children and old, all are in deep emotional imbalances. Why do you think people are all glued to their smartphones? It is because somewhere we got deviated from our inner natural state. We became easy prey to the treachery of our own mind. We were […]