Between two acts create a pause, between two thoughts feel the gap, between two breaths experience the stillness. Sustained peace and happiness is hidden in the core of silence and meditation. Our goal is to be aware of that stillness and bliss that already exists within us in the sanctum of our hearts, in the […]

O gentle sleep…

Nature’s soft nurse… Yes, borrowed from Shakespeare it is.. the great litterateur too extolled the virtues of this very important aspect of a living being’s life. For now, I am going to only focus on the homo sapiens.. much as I would love to be broader on coverage. Volumes written by experts, talks given by […]

Importance of a Happy CEO

It seems the quest of happiness has continued from times unknown. The mystics who would go to the mountains –undertaking ‘Vanvaas’, meaning, living in the forest to seek answers are well-known to all of us from our mythology. Well, embroiled as we are in our materialistic worlds- and now increasingly- supported by the artificial intelligence […]

The moment we realise that our thoughts and words are vibrations that are attracting good or bad situations and persons to our lives, we will start a new journey of self-management. So far we have been taught how to manage others. Spouse, colleagues, partners in every walk of life. Now we need to learn the […]