जवाहर बाग कांड ने सपा मुखिया को कहीं मुंह दिखाने लायक नहीं छोड़ा: सीएम योगी बोले- सपा सरकार अगर सुरक्षा दे पाती, तो जवाहर बाग की घटना नहीं होती, आगरा और बुलंदशहर का उपद्रव नहीं होता, मुजफ्फरनगर में सचिन और गौरव बहन की रक्षा करते-करते अपने आपको बलिदान नहीं करते* पिछली सरकारों के एजेंडे में […]
“What we hide will search us out.” Related posts: No related posts.
The moment you are ready to risk for that which is invisible, for that which is beyond words, beyond logic, beyond mind, for that which can never be measured, for that which can never be reduced to a system, you are taking a quantum leap. The mind will call it madness, but that madness is […]
Here are three of the most prominent ideas from the Orient that might help us enrich our lives and inspire us!
Once our desires are fulfilled, need of money too is lessened but continue to accumulate it as there is no end to our desires. Therefore when Mark Zuckerberg donated 99% of his shares for the welfare of girl child, one needs to sit up and take note.
May contemplation of the Divine grant us the boon of a mind that does not see the fault of others but the other’s goodness and innate divinity, a mind that is not critically judgmental all the time, but sees that as souls we are such divine gifts for each other. To err is human, to […]
Nandita Kochar Prosocial behaviour or helping can take many forms – from performing acts of bravery to offering food and water to someone in need. Even though news headlines try to plaster our minds with all the negative instances possible, one must never lose sight of the good that’s happening around. In this article, we’ll […]
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You understood the title, right? Then let’s get to the Greek Gods right away! After all, it’s a Crash Course!
रुकने नहीं देना है सबकी सुरक्षा, विकास व सम्मान का ये अभियान : मुख्यमंत्री इस सबके लिए भाजपा के डबल इंजन सरकार जरूरी: सीएम योगी मोहद्दीपुर गुरुद्वारे के समक्ष मतदाता सम्मेलन को संबोधित किया मेरे हर चुनाव में स्वतः स्फूर्त उमंग से जुड़े रहे हैं गोरखपुर के लोग : योगी* मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने कहा […]