Swami Chaitanya Keerti There is so much misery in our life because of our illusory goals being constantly manufactured by our own mind. It is an endless game for an achieving mind without understanding the vastness of life. It is just like a wave expecting and demanding the ocean to behave according to its wishes. It is […]
So, the second point that I want to explain to you is that life should be distributed throughout the whole body; it should be equally distributed in all parts of the body. Life is not merely in the head, but we do all our work using just the head.
one of the most fundamental illusions of humanity is that everybody thinks that he knows what love is: hence nobody discovers it. Everybody assumes that they know what love is, hence there is no need to experience it. And because of this, love is missing from the world. There are lovers and no love. Parents […]
Nandita Kochar Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. – Haruki Murakami The death of a loved one, the loss of a treasured job, finding oneself to be extremely sick – these are all a few examples of traumatic experiences. One finds oneself in a pool of emotions and uncertainty at the end of such situations. […]
शिवराज, संकल्प का एक साल, 4 सौ से ज्यादा रोपे पौधे मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने प्रतिदिन पौधे लगाने का जो संकल्प लिया उस संकल्प के एक साल पूरे हो गए। इस दौरान मुख्यमंत्री ने 4 सौ से ज्यादा पौधे रोपे। नर्मदा नदी के उदगम स्थल अमरकंटक में लिए इस संकल्प में उनकी पत्नी साधना […]
“Never build a bridge to nowhere.” Related posts: No related posts.
By Sahil Gadhavi Gratitude is a positive emotion which builds happiness. A gratitude visit to an old age home or to engage in a charity of to be give some of your wealth for philanthropy. Social media or so to say the technology is helping us to do it more effectively and generously. Most of […]
The doorkeeper laughed and said, “If you are so tempted you might as well try getting beyond the door. But remember that I am very powerful and just the first doorkeeper you’ll see. There are guards looking after the doors that follow this one, men who are even more powerful than one can imagine.”
Nandita Kochar Sigmund Freud, the Austrian neurologist and the first person to ever devise a formal theory about the human personality, believed that one’s mental events could be divided into three categories: Conscious mind: It consists of mental events in current awareness (I am typing out this sentence, at the moment) Preconscious mind: It contains […]
A compromise is a mechanical unity; A synthesis is an organic growth. So what so ever is happening right now in the name of EST, TM, ARICA, is a sort of mechanical unity.