सनातन धर्म को ऊंचा रखने के लिए भाजपा सरकार आवश्यकः योगी प्रयागराज के मेजा, करछना, प्रतापपुर और हंडिया विधानसभा में मुख्यमंत्री ने की जनसभा भाजपा सरकार ने प्रयागराज की पुरातन पहचान को पुनर्स्थापित कियाः योगी सीएम योगी के प्रयागराज में हुए रोड शो में उमड़ी भारी भीड़, सीएम को देखने के लिए छतों पर खड़े […]
Whatever the situations in life, know that you are here only to realise what is in the Mind of God! Your mind may confuse you, mislead you, but your Mind will never! Your Mind works through your heart center! Once the Mind and Heart are in union, you see a world so full of love […]
In Philosophy Camus compared the human condition to the fate of Sisyphus, condemned to push a rock up a hill again and again for all time. An absurd fate – but Camus insisted Sisyphus could be happy.
“Wealth without charity is a paucity.” Related posts: No related posts.
One at a time. If you fall in love with two women at a time, what does it show? It shows you have a split personality. You are schizophrenic, you are not one, you are two.
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people feel the void left by their pets even more because we choose them and because we value their unconditional love. Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with the death of a beloved pet in a healthy manner.
The body lives through breathing; once the breathing stops, the body dies. The soul exists through loving, but many people don’t have a soul because they never start loving. They just assume that they have a soul, but they don’t. Potentially of course they do, and if they start loving, it will become a reality. […]
Above all else, I’m learning to trust and pray. Never before have I felt so inadequate, so out of control, so overwhelmed and so dependent on the Lord.
“Acceptance will make us happier than expectation.” Related posts: No related posts.