– Love means that you have to learn to respect the other as an end unto himself. The other is not a means. That is the only immoral act in the world. In fact, the whole of immorality can be defined through this simple thing: if you are using the other as a means, you […]
It is tempting to systematically pass the blame onto the world and other people. When we feel anxious, depressed, cranky, envious, or emotionally exhausted we are quick to pass the buck to the outside world; tensions with colleagues at work, arguments with our spouse – anything, even the color of the sky can be a […]
But they get great thrill from doing so. It is a great fun to be a guru and no one is interested in becoming a disciple. It is a fun to be a Guru. Because it gives a big boost to your ego.
If you had ideal parents, then you would get stuck and you would have no possibility for growth. One cannot leave ‘good’ parents; one gets stuck with them. But parents who are not so good, who are imperfect, well, it is easier to leave them, separate and create a life of your own.
What is which is called God? we need to try and understand tht too, because the revolution that must come into the life of a man cannot be deep if there is no presence of God in it.
भारत का ताकतवर होना इस वक्त सबसे बड़ी जरूरत: पीएम मोदी भाजपा की जीत का परचम पूरब में और प्रचंड हो गया है: पीएम मोदी महराजगंज में विशाल जनसभा को पीएम मोदी ने किया सम्बोधित खेती से लेकर मिलिट्री तक, समुद्र से लेकर स्पेस तक, भारत को हर क्षेत्र में शक्तिशाली बनना है: पीएम मोदी […]
जो कहा वो करके दिखाया, जो कह रहे उसे भी कर दिखाएंगे : मुख्यमंत्री खजनी विधानसभा क्षेत्र में भाजपा प्रत्याशी के पक्ष में सीएम की चुनावी जनसभा सपा सरकार ने कब्रिस्तानों की बाउंड्रीवाल को ही विकास माना जबकि भाजपा सरकार रोड इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, उद्योग, बिजली हरेक क्षेत्र में विकास व जनकल्याण के कीर्तिमान स्थापित […]
कब्रिस्तानों के पास जाकर ही वोट मांगे सपा : योगी आदित्यनाथ सपा शासन में हुए 700 से अधिक दंगे, हमनें प्रदेश को दंगामुक्त बनाया : मुख्यमंत्री चौरीचौरा विधानसभा क्षेत्र में भाजपा प्रत्याशी के पक्ष में सीएम योगी ने की चुनावी जनसभा विधानसभा क्षेत्र के भाजपा प्रत्याशी श्रवण निषाद के पक्ष में चुनावी जनसभा को संबोधित […]
“Never miss being present where you are missed.” Related posts: No related posts.
It is no wonder that it can be such a relief to talk to someone when you are feeling confused or emotional about a situation. Not only is it helpful to talk to someone who cares about how you are feeling, but new perspective open up additional avenues for you to explore.