Festivals come and go, we are all excited for a day or two, but then the mundane takes over! The same boredom, the same anger and frustrations, fear and anxieties possess us! But if we resolve to stay connected to our indwelling Divine being, we feel a sense of satisfaction that is beyond this mundane […]
Have you observed that whenever you are tense you will sigh…Ahhh and you feel relaxed. Or whenever you are in joy, overjoyed you say AHHH the whole breath is thrown out and you feel within a tranquility that you have never felt. Try this: when you feeling very good, take the breath in and then […]
According to a study published in 2012 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, happier adults were able to earn 10% more than average at age 29, while the gloomy ones earned 30 percent less than average at that very age. T
Down the centuries the religion has been very serious affair for most of the believers. It has been too ritualistic and too grim. Being pious or holy became synonymous with seriousness.
For centuries, marriage remained intact because man had completely killed the woman’s ego. Not that it was killed, it just went underground; it worked in an underground way. The woman became very subtle in her egoistic demands, hence the nagging and all kind of female strategies. She had to invent them because the man would […]
गाजीपुर को घोर परिवारवादियों ने विकास से दूर रखा, उनके कार्यकाल में था माफियाओं और बाहुबलियों का बोलबाला-पीएम मोदी जनता वोट के जरिए इन घोर परिवारवादियों को जवाब दे, इनको सजा देने का मौका है-पीएम मोदी* दंगों के दौरान खुली जीप में घूमने वाले आज घुटनों पर हैं-पीएम मोदी* गाजीपुर की छह दशकों की समस्या […]
दगाबाज और दागदारों से सावधान रहे : मुख्यमंत्री – सपा, बसपा और कांग्रेस ने गरीबों का हक छीना : मुख्यमंत्री – सपा के गुर्गे और बसपा का हाथी गरीबों का राशन खा जाता था : मुख्यमंत्री – भाजपा का बुलडोजर बोलता नहीं, माफिया की बोलती बंद करता है : मुख्यमंत्री – सपा सरकार गुंडे (मुख्तार) […]
भारत सरकार अपने नागरिकों की सुरक्षित वापसी के लिए कोई कोर कसर नहीं छोड़ेगी: पीएम मोदी यूपी के सोनभद्र जिले में विशाल जनसभा में प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने देश की जनता को दिलाया विश्वास पीएम मोदी ने कहा कि – ऑपरेशन गंगा के तहत कई हजार नागरिकों को वहां से देश वापस लाया जा चुका है* […]
“Meet half way if you want to go the full distance.” Related posts: No related posts.
Your Mind space is your living space. Keep that space full of light and air, so that you can breathe with joy. Make sure no one, nothing should have the privilege of stealing or disturbing the peace and quiet of that sacred space! Light and love! Related posts: No related posts.