“Life is to live, not exist.” Related posts: No related posts.
Let us never forget that every thought even the most casual, creates its own vibrations that directly affects our health and well-being. Your beliefs have a huge impact on your life in all its facets. You need to be more regular in your practice of meditation in order to have command over your thoughts – […]
The word ‘Upanishad’ is derived from the root ‘sad’ which means to sit down, to destroy and to loosen. ‘Upa’ means ‘nearby’ and ‘ni’ means devotedly. The word therefore means the sitting down of a disciple near his teacher in a devoted manner to receive instruction about the highest reality which loosens all doubts and destroys all ignorance of the disciple.
This particular story was one of Jesus’s absolute favourites! Read to know why.
Love has its own way of knowing. It is totally different from the ways of the mind. For example, if you try to know a roseflower through the mind you will have to dissect it, and in dissecting it you will destroy its beauty. You will come to know about its chemistry, but you will […]
Nandita Kochar From the very beginning, we are taught that one of the biggest hurdles in the way of our flourishing is our own selfishness. We are asked to think more of other people when taking decisions, see how we are failing to view things from their perspective and be aware of the ways […]
Related posts: No related posts.
The ability to recognise such fleeting expressions has been associated with an unusual capacity for empathy and insight. The six micro emotions put forward are universal, biologically determined, and expressed facially the same way worldwide.
शिवराज ने कहा नौकरी करने नहीं, देने वाला बने युवा प्रदेश में पहले डोन स्कूल का किया शुभारंभ, प्रतिमाह 40 से 50 विद्यार्थियों को दिया जाएगा प्रशिक्षण मध्यप्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान का पूरा फोकस इन दिनों प्रदेश में युवाओं को रोजगार से जोड़ना है। इसके लिए वे लगातार कार्यक्रमों में युवाओं को स्वरोजगार […]
By Swami Anand Kul Bhushan Travelling from village to village, a Sufi wanderer was passing through a jungle. As it became dark and the next village was far away, he decided to spend the night on a riverside. During the night, it began to rain; soon it became a torrent followed by a thunderstorm and […]