“Let not a NO deflate you, let not a YES inflate you.” Related posts: No related posts.
Time is precious. You can either unconsciously surrender to all negative news that comes flooding from every corner of the world or you may detach yourself from the filth that is dumped and create space in your mind to reach the inner core where you can hear the wisdom of ageless masters. Either you uplift […]
Existence cares for everybody. Without existence loving us, we cannot exist even for a single moment. It goes on pouring life into us. We are immensely esteemed by existence, although we go on taking it for granted – that’s where our stupidity lies. If we take it for granted there is no gratitude. We think […]
The land of Lindt balls, banking, timepieces and – lately – Tina Turner, Switzerland has frequently been named the world’s happiest country in surveys spanning decades. But no one’s quite sure why – least of the swiss. A landlocked, mountainous country with four languages,
Coronavirus Might Attack the Brain, Too–writes Robert Roy Britt in his article published recently (on the web https://elemental.medium.com//) It’s not yet clear how SARS-CoV-2 might be affecting the brain, but experience with other viruses, including the flu, suggests it certainly could make its way there. Coronaoia seems to have gripped the whole of humanity in the […]
From the eternity of time, we’ve been taught how happiness, joy, pride, excitement are positive emotions among others. And how sadness, hurt, anger, fear are the bad boys, among a whole lot of others. We were always asked to seek the positive gang and stay as far as possible from the negative emotions. I stay […]
Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher,writer and political activist, and one of the central figures in 20th Century French philosophy. He is best known as the main figurehead of the Existentialist movement. In his writing, ‘The Work of Art’, Sartre first establishes clearly that he does not wish to deal with the problem of the […]
योगी सरकार के कुशल प्रबंधन से यूपी में कोरोना के मामले खत्म होने के करीबः ब्रजेश पाठक यूपी में कोविड के एक्टिव केस की संख्या 300 से कम – ब्रजेश पाठक गरीबों के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद साबित हो रही है आयुष्मान भारत योजनाः ब्रजेश पाठक 1.80 करोड़ को वितरित किए जा चुके हैं आयुष्मान कार्डः […]
– हैण्डलूम, पावरलूम, सिल्क, टैक्टाइल्स एवं गारमेटिंग की बनाएगी नई पॉलिसी – टैक्सटाइल्स पार्क की स्थापना होगी, यूपी का हस्तशिल्प दुनिया भर में बनाएगा पहचान – वर्तमान टैक्सटाइल पॉलिसी से 10 इकाईयों को स्वीकृत कर अनुदान भी देगी सरकार राज्य सरकार आत्मनिर्भर यूपी के सपने को पूरा करने के लिए हथकरघा और वस्त्र उद्योग से […]
क्षेत्र के विकास को मिलेगी गति, आवागमन होगा आसान बुंदेलखंड एक्सप्रेस-वे का जल्द होने जा रहा है उद्घाटन लखनऊ, 13 अप्रैल बुंदेलखंड के विकास के लिए एक्सप्रेस-वे महत्वपूर्ण कड़ी साबित होगा। यह एक्सप्रेस वे केवल आवागमन का माध्यम नहीं, बल्कि बुंदेलखंड जिसका आजादी के बाद से लगातार उपेक्षा की गई, उसके विकास की जीवन रेखा […]