“Browse to arouse fineness” Related posts: No related posts.
The term has been locked in a dark room since the mid eighteenth century, thanks to romanticism, whose founders were often men who had the luxury to wander through lush green pathways all day long, on filled stomachs and with a roof to return to. T
Imagine that you decide to volunteer for an experiment. You reach the laboratory and are asked to perform the boring task of filling the beakers with water and placing them onto the trays for a good 15 minutes. Once you do the needful, the experimenter thanks you and tells you to describe your boring task […]
Everything being is unique. God never creates carbon copies, he always creates originals. He believes only in the original. Is truly a creator, he never repeats. But goes on living in imitation. We are trying to be somebody else, which is impossible. Whatsoever you do, you are going to fail. You can only be yourself: […]
May by Mother’s grace our mind dwell in thoughts of love and gratitude for that is the aura of the abode of peace in the core of our being within. Let us live in the spirit of divine contemplation, for that alone can fill us with the positive energy we need to share with all […]
Nanak naam jahaaj hai. Charhe so uttare paar. (O Nanak, the name of Waheguru is like a ship which will take you to your salvation) This saying by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism, is what so many souls around the world turn to during difficult times. His life was full of events […]
Let’s see what the ancient Greek Philosopher had to say about life! 1. Pain Is Essential Aristotle believed that to learn something important, one had to exert both physically and mentally. And many a times, this effort towards learning involved pain. He encouraged us to embrace this pain and see its bright side: the learning. […]
योगी सरकार ने दी मरीजों को बड़ी राहत, अब कम पैसों में मिलेगा बेहतर इलाज आयुष्मान में अब महंगी जांचे भी होंगी मुफ्त योजना में करीब 800 तरह के पैकेज की रकम सीमा बढ़ेगी केंद्र सरकार नेशनल हेल्थ अथॉरिटी ने राज्यों को इसका प्रस्ताव भेजा आयुष्मान के तहत मरीजों को अब और बेहतर इलाज मिल […]
राज्य सरकार यूपी में 01 लाख किसानों को देगी सोलर पम्पों का तोहफा – योगी सरकार किसानों को पीएम कुसुम योजना से उपलब्ध कराएगी सोलर पम्प – 200 करोड़ की लागत से अगले 05 वर्षों में 01 लाख सोलर पम्पों को स्थापित करने का लक्ष्य – सोलर पम्प लग जाने से किसानों को सिंचाई के […]
मनोरंजक ज्ञान के साथ पर्यटन को लगेंगे पंख गोरखपुर में बनेगा पूर्वांचल का पहला प्राकृतिक विज्ञान संग्रहालय 25 करोड़ रुपये आएगी लागत, सीएम योगी आदित्यनाथ की घोषणा के बाद प्रशासनिक सरगर्मियां बढ़ीं मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के दूसरे कार्यकाल में भी गोरखपुर की विकास की यात्रा रफ्तार बनाए हुए है। विकास के विविध आयामों से समृद्ध […]