वैश्विक महामारी के बावजूद निर्यात के क्षेत्र यूपी की शानदार उपलब्धि अप्रैल 2021 से मार्च 2022 के दौरान बढ़ा 30 फीसद निर्यात कुल निर्यात में ओडीओपी का योगदान 72 फीसद वैश्विक महामारी कोरोना के बावजूद निर्यात के लिहाज से उत्तर प्रदेश के लिए 2021-2022 शानदार रहा। अप्रैल 2020-2021 से लेकर मार्च 2021-2022 के दौरान यूपी […]
अब रोडवेज बसों में ज्यादा सामान लादा तो देना पड़ेगा अतिरिक्त किराया रोडवेज बसों से सामान ले जाना अब मंहगा हो गया। प्रदेश के मैदानी इलाकों में रोडवेज बस के यात्री अपने साथ 20 किलो और पर्वतीय मार्गों पर 25 किलो सामान निशुल्क ले जा सकेंगे। लेकिन इससे अधिक वजन होने पर उन्हें सामान के […]
“Faith always keeps a watch over you.” Related posts: No related posts.
Meditation is not concentration, it is not even an effort to silence the mind or drive out the crazy random bla bla of mind. This is where most people go wrong, like achieving many things and trying to control, you start to wrestle with your mind, control your thoughts! Then you lose the battle and […]
When we discover ourselves, we are never desolate, writes Nagesh Alai The other day, amid all the social distancing and isolation imposed by the pathogen, I had called up a septuagenarian lady living with her husband (a Parkinson’s patient) in our society, to enquire about her and asking her if she needed any help in […]
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By culture, she don’t mean the geographic or political boundaries that divides one people from another as much as the invisible psychological boundaries separating us from them.
My teaching is not to love God, my teaching is to love. Whom you love is not so relevant: people, animals, birds, trees, music, poetry, painting… What you love — the object of love — is not so important, but that you love is important. And as love increases, slowly, slowly it brings a faith […]
Nandita Kochar Born and raised in Calcutta originally as Narendra Nath Datta, Swami Vivekananda played an extremely important role in the spiritual and philosophical enlightenment of the Indian masses. He led the spread of the Vedanta philosophy in the West and even established Ramakrishna mission, an organisation named after his Guru that dedicated itself to […]
In this article, our beloved & radiant Master Healer, Dr. Nonah Khanna, takes you through the mysterious world of the tarot cards!