परिवहन सब्सिडी से किसानों का होगा विकास,किसान नेता राकेश टिकैत ने रखी मांग भारतीय किसान यूनियन के वरिष्ठ नेता राकेश टिकैत ने कहा कि किसानों को अपने उत्पादों को बाजार तक ले जाने के लिए परिवहन सब्सिडी दी जानी चाहिए। कहा कि पहाड़ का पानी ही पहाड़ के काम नहीं आ रहा है। परिवहन सब्सिडी […]
“Resilience is good, resolution is better.” Related posts: No related posts.
नए निकायों की सैकड़ों बीघा जमीन पर हो रहे अवैध कब्जे, प्रशासन स्तर से ढिलाई पिछले साल हरिद्वार जिले में ढंडेरा, इमलीखेड़ा, रामपुर, पाडली गुर्जर को नगर पंचायत बनाया गया। ऊधमसिंहनगर जिले में लालपुर, सिरोरीकलां, नगला को और बागेश्वर जिले में गरुड़ व पौड़ी जिले में थलीसैंण को नगर पंचायत का दर्जा दिया गया। ग्रामीणों […]
Contrary to their insouciant optimism, it turns out that many aspects of human behaviour do not change lastingly. Your waste line is a prime example. Dieting is a scam, one that bilks americans out of USD 50 billion annually. You can follow any diet on the best seller list and within a month loose 5% of your body weight
Maintain equilibrium, know that both sex and celibacy are form of desire. Understand that both the world and Sanyaas are desires. Know that both bondage and freedom are forms of bondage.
God first, everything and others can wait for tomorrow but not God! All pains and agonies of life come from the fact that we give our mind to external things and to others. Once we resolve that our real wealth is not in possessing things and others we can concentrate on our true inexhaustible wealth […]
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On this World Mental Health Day, take some positive steps towards your mental health and reset your mind for the better, using these tips!
Love needs great courage. In fact, nothing needs more courage than love because the basic requirement of love is to die as an ego. Only when you dissolve your ego does love start flowing in you. The ego is the barrier and it needs guts to drop it. One clings, one thinks that one is […]
Silence is incommunicable; it cannot be communicated through language at all. Yes, there is a way of communion- that is what sannyas is all about. Getting in tune with someone who has already become silent make you silent.