“Our historicity could be a dilution of our reality.” Related posts: No related posts.
Fill yourself with pure love for God. Let gratitude fill your heart to the brim. Let love and gratitude be your language. Live every moment in awareness of infinite intelligence always at work to bring the ultimate joy in your life. Good day! Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari Related posts: No related posts.
Related posts: No related posts.
Our language often proves misleading, because the expression to “find God” or to “attain God” gives the impression one will be able to see God face to face. Such words are very misleading.
What would your world look like if Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and many other networking platforms didn’t reside on your phone or laptop? I quit Facebook and Instagram (these were the only two ones I was using) 6 months back and this is what my world looks like now.
O Son/daughter enlightened family, what is called “Death” has now arrived, so adopt this attitude: “I have arrived at the time of death, so now, by means of this death, I will adopt only the attitude of the enlightened state of mind, Loving kindness and compassion, and attain perfect enlightenment for the sake of all sentient […]
How about the waitress who seems to ” Just Know” what each offer customer’s need: once couple is in their own world and prefers to be alone; another couple welcomes some fresh conversations from a new person, while another table wants professional and polite service, minus the small talk
The noisy person cannot be blissful — one needs the music of silence. And our minds are too noisy. We are carrying almost a whole marketplace in our heads, all kinds of rubbish. We are not one, we are a crowd inside, many people, and they are constantly quarreling, fighting with each other, trying to […]
“Know your roots.” Related posts: No related posts.
We are continuously thinking, twenty-four hours a day, day in, day out. It is a very insane state. The mind goes on fabricating all kinds of desires and dreams and we remain clouded by these desires and thoughts. There is no other barrier between us and truth except these continuous thoughts. This thinking has to […]