Many Sadgurus, the true masters, especially the Zen masters discouraged this tendency of the lethargic attitude of the meditators and taught them to work as meditation.
Serena Williams, the well-known Tennis Star, was the Guest Editor for Wired Magazine. In her editorial she says, “Back in 2008, when I was competing in the US Open, I would keep little ‘match books,’ where I’d write affirmations to myself and read them during matches. It worked pretty well. But before long I found […]
Environment, the energy of the things and people you are living with or surrounded with most of the time will have a strong impact upon your thinking process. You have to be very careful about what company you keep. Through net news feed or TV what stuff you are taking into your mind may create […]
There are people who go on collecting old scriptures: the older the scriptures are the better they are thought to be. There are people who collect money, and all kinds of stupidities go on… These people are really searching for their own ancientmost treasure but searching in the wrong direction. Going to Everest, man is […]
Interestingly we experience the emotions in present but they are actually our passage into past or in future.
How to come back to the real from the virtual, one step at a time?
सीएम बनने के बाद पहली बार गोरखपुर पहुंचे आदित्यनाथ योगी ने महाराणा प्रताप इंटर कॉलेज में लोगों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि हमें बिना भेदभाव के यूपी को बदलना है औऱ यहां सुशासन लाना है. राज्य में सबका साथ सबका विकास के नारे को लागू करेगें| लेकिन तुष्टिकरण किसी का नहीं होने देंगे| योगी […]
योगी राज’ के 15 दिन पूरे, आइए जानें अबतक के बड़े फैसले योगी आदित्यनाथ को यूपी के सीएम बने हुए दो हफ्ते पूरे हो गए हैं| दो हफ्ते में योगी ने बिना कैबिनेट की बैठक किए पूरा यूपी कंट्रोल कर लिया| 100 से ज्यादा फैसलों पर काम शुरू हो गया| महिलाओं की सुरक्षा से लेकर […]
“You are stronger than you seem, weaker than you look.” Related posts: No related posts.
Tune your mind in the morning with the thought of the Lord of the universe. Say to your self as a simple affirmation of higher truth, “With divine support I will surmount every obstacle of life and reach closer to my higher self which is illumined by the light of my Soul. I am happy […]