In fact, you have forgotten your own voice long ago. You were never given freedom enough to voice your opinions. You were always taught obedience. You were taught to say yes to everything that your elders were saying to you.
There is one thing which is unattainable because you already have it and there is not question of having to attain it the question of not attaining it does not even arise.
God is your inner voice. No priest is needed, you need not have any instructions from anybody about your life. But one thing has to be done: you have to move inward so that you can hear the still, small voice. Once it is heard, once you know how it can be heard, your whole […]
Nandita Kochar The Little Prince continues to capture the hearts of both children and adults since it was first published in 1943. Put to paper by pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry during his time in America, the story was inspired by his time in the French Air Force. On the surface his words may seem simple […]
Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday asserted that a concrete plan for development of UP’s agricultural sector be prepared, implemented and monitored continuously. Addressing a seminar on ‘Road Map for Agriculture and Allied Sectors in Uttar Pradesh’ organized at Yojna Bhawan, Adityanath insisted that progress of the country was linked to progress of UP, and […]
“Everything in life cannot be taught, neither can everything in life be learnt.” Related posts: No related posts.
Envy ? There scenarios – which would irk you the most? (A) Your friend’s salaries increase. Yours stays the same. (B) Their salaries stay the same. yours too (C) Their average salaries are cut. Yours is, too. If you answered (A) don’t worry, that is perfectly normal: you are just the another victim of the […]
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It is my own experience that, by giving birth to us, existence has already accepted us. There is no question of the Last Judgment Day. I believe in the first judgment day it has already passed, it is finished. The day God decided to create the world, that was the judgment day. That day he […]
Building self confidence is based on control of our personal circumstances. We accept the things we cannot control, but we learn over time to control our thoughts and feelings and the impact we can have on the wider world. That is the things we have a degree of control over. Here are some reminders to […]