Gold has always been symbolic, both in the East and in the West. For centuries alchemists have talked about it, and they have been very misunderstood because people thought that they were talking about real gold. They were talking about gold only as a metaphor. Man can become gold, he has all the chemicals needed […]
Mind you, your unconscious thoughts create your subconscious program that creates obstacles in your life. Nothing is more important than to practice meditation for 20 minutes before you get into active chores. Calm mind is your great friend. Only you can create that for you. Related posts: No related posts.
A decade ago, some psychologists came up with a solution to set up Rage Rooms in the parliaments of all the countries and they said that parliaments, corporate offices, schools, and universities need such rooms as they need toilets.
The biggest enemy of happiness is worry. We are trained that all the time we keep our mind engaged no matter even f it create worries. Worries are actually biggest killer of human life. No disease is bigger than worry. Most of the troubles of life are originating from worries. People hide worries and try […]
Some of the pain about feeling unattractive stems from the stories we hear about those who lie on the other end of the spectrum. They do not wake up each morning, hating their bodies. They don’t have to think about what goes on their plates, they don’t hesitate before speaking to someone, their opinions are […]
How many times have you offered your seat to someone in need or made food for the sick and the needy or helped out your friend during tough times or prayed to God for someone else’s well-being and health? Prosocial behaviour or helping someone can take many forms – from performing acts of bravery to […]
यूपी की योगी आदित्यनाथ सरकार औद्योगिक विकास विभाग के जरिए अब राज्य में भूमि बैंक तैयार करने के काम में जुट गई है. ग्लोबल इन्वेस्टर्स समिट के बाद राज्य में आने वाले निवेश के मद्देनजर यह फैसला लिया गया है. औद्योगिक विकास विभाग अगले दो सालों में टेक्सटाइल मिलों की देनदारी चुकाकर भूमि का व्यवसायिक […]
उत्तर प्रदेश की योगी सरकार ने बिजली की नई दरें जारी करते हुए उपभोक्ताओं को बड़ी राहत दी है। सरकार ने 7 रुपए का स्लैब वापस ले लिया है। ग्रेटर नोएडा में बिजली दरों में करीब 10 फीसदी की कमी की गई है। घरेलू बिजली की अधिकतम दर साढ़े 6 रुपए प्रति यूनिट होगी। समाचार […]
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“Patience will pay off if you persist.” Related posts: No related posts.