In the last two years, being positive has attained new significance… …yes, all of us shuddered listening to the term positive – Covid Positive! Once, we are Covid positive, we are robbed of all our positivity. Considering the social quarantine, medication, and painful recovery process, we become negative. Our psychology gets impacted severely which we […]



Unless your heart sings and dances you are not really living, you are only dragging: fulfilling certain duties, going through certain rituals, somehow managing and maintaining a facade. But deep inside, there is emptiness and a great trembling because one knows in the deepest part of the heart that life is not yet fulfilled, that […]

The causes of Sufferings

Is there only way to put an end to suffering? According to Buddhism, suffering will always exist as a universal phenomenon, but every individual has the potential for liberation from it. As for human beings in general, we cannot expect suffering to simply vanish from the universe, because in the Buddhist view, the universe is […]

यूपी के लोगों को एनसीआर में आवाजाही के लिए नहीं देना होगा रोड टैक्स, योगी कैबिनेट में कई प्रस्तावों को मिली मंजूरी

उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ की अध्यक्षता में मंगलवार को हुई कैबिनेट बैठक में कई विभागों के अहम प्रस्तावों पर मुहर लगी। इस दौरान परिवहन विभाग की तरफ से पेश किए गए प्रस्ताव पर भी मुहर लगी, जिसमें एनसीआर में आवागमन के लिए यूपी के लोगों को रोड टैक्स नहीं देना होगा। इसके लिए […]