Self-respect and self-esteem are a positive part of a strong character. But EGO is not. Watch the difference. While one lifts you, the other destroys you. How do you know it is ego working? You will hanker for attention and recognition, even when you do charity or helping those who are in need. Your tricky […]

Man needs integration, an integration of all the fragments into one whole, into one harmony. And that is the whole effort of religion. The very word religion means that which binds you together. That’s exactly the meaning of yoga too; yoga means union. Religion and yoga are synonymous. When you become crystallized, when you become […]

How to deal with trust issues in the workplace?

“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – STEPHEN R. COVEY It is quite commonplace that youngsters today are often complaining about facing trust issues in the workplace. In the 80s when we joined the workplace, trust issues were just unheard of. […]