If you walk the spiritual path then don’t expect it to be easy. The higher your spiritual state, more difficulty you will be called upon to face. Practice of meditation is not to have all that you wish, meditation is not a wish fulfilling tree, rather it takes you to a state where all your […]

Life is an opportunity, an opportunity to realize yourself. It is possible to miss it, and many do; only a few very rare people fulfill it. Those few who fulfill it are the ones who enter their inner world. To go on remaining concerned about money, power and prestige is a sheer wastage. One’s primary […]

While handling negative people you can’t be negative. The more you react to a person possessed by anger or hate or jealousy, the more the other person sucks you and get energized, creating hell for you. Your path is to raise your bar of patience and forbearance, and wait for the opportune moment to talk […]

OSHO - I Say Unto You Never Choose

The deeper you go, the farther away are desires. At the very center of your being, you completely forget that desires ever existed; they look like dreams, fantasies. That moment is the most exalted moment, the entry into oneself. Then you can come back to the surface but you cannot lose contact with the center. […]

सीएम योगी ने जनपद अयोध्या में निर्माणाधीन मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्रीराम अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे एवं अयोध्या-सुल्तानपुर राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग से एयरपोर्ट तक 4-लेन सड़क का किया निरीक्षण

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