“Nanak says there is music at His door. No, music is His door. Celebration, festivity are His practices. The whole of existence is filled with song,” says Osho.

With the 550-year celebrations of the birth of Guru Nanak in full swing now, Osho’s insights on the great Sikh guru have become most relevant. Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India.

Osho says, “The founder of Sikhism Nanak is one of those beautiful people for whom I have immense love.”  This love is for all to hear and read in Osho’s most acclaimed discourses, Ek Omkar Satnam on the Japuji Saheb, which have been published in Hindi, translated into Gurumukhi and English and have topped the list of his bestseller titles both as audios and as books.

Such is the demand for the Gurumukhi translation of Ek Omkar Satnam first released in 1995 by the then President of India, Giani Zail Singh, that it has run into no less than 12 editions and is available at the bookshops of most major gurudwaras. The original discourses delivered in Hindi and later transcribed into a book form have also had over ten editions. These discourses are available on a CD and can also be downloaded for free from www.oshoworld.com.  

A noted Sikh author and journalist, the late Khushwant Singh, said that these discourses enabled him to appreciate Guru Nanak like never before. Although he has written a definitive book, History of Sikhs, he appreciated the deep insights of Osho on the first guru of the Sikhs.

Says Osho, “Nanak’s path to supreme realization, to godliness is scattered with song and flowers. Whatever he has said was said in verse. His path was full of melody and softness, filled with the flavor of ambrosia.” 

In his discourses on Japuji Sahib translated into English as ‘The True Name’, Osho gives this insight: “Nanak says there is music at His door. No, music is His door. Celebration, festivity are His practices. The whole of existence is filled with song. You are deaf. That’s what the matter is. You cannot see, you cannot hear. On every leaf, on every flower this message is written. He has filled the universe with so many colours and it is His music that vibrates in the rainbow of infinite hues. All creation is always celebrating this festival.”