Man was never as sad and as miserable as he is today. Seeing us, even the birds may wonder, “What has happened to man?” Even the birds flying in the sky may feel pity and compassion for us. There must certainly be talk amongst the plants and the trees about man going berserk and becoming perverted. In the whole universe, from the biggest stars and moons, to the smallest pebble on a riverbank on earth, there seems to be a flowing current of bliss. Only in the heart of man has desert grown. No sooner does a stream appear than it dries up. Man alone is an insane species. Man alone is mad. And it is not that just a few are mad-no, we are all mad. We have created our madness in two forms: one in which we can still manage some kind of adjustment to life, and another, where any adjustment of life become impossible…
There are two kinds of mad people: one who somehow molds himself to fit into the madness of the society- he becomes passable. And the other, who is unable to mold himself into the madness of the society- for those people, separate madhouses have to be built…
When we look within each person, we will understand what a difficult and worrisome life we live. It is not that we do not smile- from morning to evening we smile many times, but our smiles are quite often nothing more than an effort to hide our tears. And it is not that we do not sing songs, but our every song is a way to suppress the echoes of our crying. It is not that we do not appear outwardly happy, but all our happiness is on the surface; sitting there, deep down, is a very sad soul. Each and every person, if he looks within, will become filled with compassion for himself. Jesus carried his own cross to the top of the hill when he was crucified, each one of us similarly are carrying our own cross, some are visible and some are non-visible one, we can avoid visible one but how can we avoid the invisible one. Happyho also provide best Meditation classes and yoga classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area.
Until we are filled with compassion for ourselves, we cannot be filled with compassion for our neighbors. Unless and until we start seeing our own cross, we cannot see that all around us people are hanging on their crosses. Only who can see his own cross is able to see that his neighbor too hangs on a cross…
All revolutions to date have failed. Man has made many efforts toward a happy society, toward making man happy; he has tried hard to make flowers blossom in his life. But, so far, all efforts have been in vain because all the revolutions were born out of anger, not out of compassion. And revolutions born out of anger can destroy, but they cannot create; they take man into destruction, but they cannot take him into creation. Revolutions born out of anger cannot penetrate deeply enough, to where the roots of man’s sickness lie. They remain on the surface-they cut the leaves, they shake the tree, they break the branches, but they cannot reach the roots. They have hardly finished before new leaves and new branches start to grow. Actually each revolution has proved to be no more than a trimming of the tree, and then the foliage becomes even thicker because the roots have not been uprooted and are still intact under the earth…
As I see it, compassion is revolution-and if compassion can be born, then revolution will come by itself. The most surprising thing is that, if there is compassion, then it will not just be for the poor’ then there will be compassion for the rich too, because the poor and the rich are two sides of the same sickness. If there is compassion, then it will not be just for the bad man; there will be compassion for the good man too, because good and bad are two sides of the same sickness.  And, if there is compassion, it will go deeply into the entire history of man, into the entire culture of man, into the entire unconscious mind of man, to find the root causes of man’s sickness. The transformation of those sicknesses will be its aim. Compassion will not prune from the top, it will try to change things deep down at the roots. So, we should do not think in terms of compassion and revolution. Actually Compassion is revolution..
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