Suicide Does Not Discriminate

Suicidal thoughts can come to anyone completely irrespective of caste, creed, gender, race, religion and status. Robin Williams, Marilyn Monroe, Alan Turing are just a few examples of people who were thought to have achieved some great successes in their life and they all did commit suicide. However, some people are at a higher risk of developing suicidal thoughts and tendencies due to their biological, psychological, economical and social background. 

Frequent Warning Signs Exist

Suicidal people are usually undergoing high emotional distress and experience anxiety, extreme mood swings. They feel like a burden on others. Their sleep and appetite is affected. Such people also resort to others in person or on social media to talk about hopelessness and wanting to die. They feel trapped, isolated and might abuse substances. Happy Ho organizes best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR area in India.

You Can Help Someone Who Is Suicidal

– Do not assume that the person is acting suicidal to seek attention

– Ask the person if they are thinking of killing themselves (Asking someone this question does not plant the seed of committing suicide in their head. Such people are looking for an outlet, please become one)

– Ask them if they have planned on how to do it (this might be slightly disturbing for the listener)

– Listen to them carefully and without any judgement

– Cut their access to things they can use to injure themselves

– Immediately inform a primary caregiver (this is often the parents or a close relative)

– Get in touch with a Suicide Prevention Helpline

– Stay in touch with them during and after a crisis or any treatment. Show them your love and support.

Suicide Is Treatable

With the right medication and/or counselling, suicidal symptoms are treatable to a large extent. If you find yourself in such a situation, please seek help immediately. 

Thinking Of Suicide As A Selfish Act

To think that someone who committed suicide did not care about others and was completely selfish to have done so, does not take into account the emotional, physical and mental distress the person went through before deciding to end their life. Suicide is often a result of distorted thinking, feeling and behaving. And people most often kill themselves because the pain becomes unbearable, so unbearable that death seems better than living.