Why it is essential to manage stress?

Stress, the modern-day buzzword is a medical condition, that we fail to admit. As for any physical ailment, we visit our doctor, we don’t do the same while suffering from concurrent stress. Getting stressed is very normal nowadays due to pressure from all quarters. Today, even a toddler is stressed, about what to say to elders. Whatever profession you are in, it comes with its own set of baggage, which causes stress. Moreover, with us, it has become a habit rather than attitude to become stressed over mundane things. Are you the one who is living in this kind of situation where every small or big thing causes you stress?

But actually, what stress is?  Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don’t feel we can manage or control. experience stress, it can be as an individual, for example when you have lots of responsibilities that you are struggling to cope.

Now that you know what stress is, now it’s time to know how you define stress. The definition of stress is the physical and mental response produced by the body when exposed to demanding or challenging circumstances. Stress is a normal response that every person experiences throughout life and it can be both positive and negative. When a person experiences stress, the body activates the flight or fight response, which is a survival technique that can help a person to avoid danger. Long-term or chronic stress can be detrimental to the body, both physically and mentally, therefore stress management is vital to living a healthy life.

Stress is caused when a person perceives a situation or event as being demanding or threatening. Whether the threat is real or imagined, the body will automatically activate a process known as the stress response. The stress response stimulates the body to release cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol is a hormone that affects the immune and digestive systems and prepares the body for the flight or fight response.

Like anger or any other resource management like time or money, stress needs to be managed properly, yourself, or aided by professional medical help. There are specialists in the field who can help to work on your condition.

Not only you are improving your mental condition, but preventing and managing long-term stress can lower your risk for other conditions — like heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression. You can prevent or reduce stress by Planning and setting and prioritizing goals and a blueprint for accomplishing these. Most importantly, you need to have a fool-proof execution plan for stress–free times ahead.

For this, stress management becomes important as it offers a range of strategies to help you better deal with stress and difficulty in your life. Managing stress can help you lead a more balanced, healthier life. Stress is an automatic physical, mental, and emotional response to a challenging event.

Symptoms of Stress

There are many negative symptoms associated with stress. Symptoms of stress include both physical and emotional ailments, which include, but are not limited to:

  • High blood pressure
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Stomach and digestive issues
  • Weakened immune system
  • Chest pain
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic attacks

To begin with, let’s explore some easy activities for stress management like exercise, utilizing mindfulness, trying therapy and coaching, time management, spending time in nature, eating healthily, and spending time with friends and family.

Few tips to manage stress:

  • Use guided meditation. Guided meditation is a great way to distract yourself from the stress of day-to-day life.
  • Practice deep breathing.
  • Maintain physical exercise and good nutrition.
  • Manage social media time.
  • Connect with others.

Benefits of Stress Management

Many positive benefits of stress management can improve a person’s physical and mental well-being which include:

  • Reduction in blood pressure
  • Reduction in digestive issues
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved libido
  • Clear cognition
  • Good mental health

Stress has spread its tentacles and most of us are under its grip. The situation just can’t be avoided as it has become an integral part of our life. However, stress can be managed to prevent it from becoming overwhelming and from interfering with other areas of life. The stress management skills definition refers to methods that can help to reduce stress and improve resilience in stressful situations.

As a first measure and immediate recourse, develop meditation skills which is an effective way to manage stress and increase relaxation or a sense of calm. Meditation requires a person to practice a state of mind that involves minimal thinking. The goal of meditation is to focus on one’s breathing, while in a comfortable position and a relaxed setting. It is not uncommon for the mind to wander during meditation; however, if this occurs, it is important to recognize that the mind is wandering and refocus back on one’s breathing.

You can book an effective meditation session with HappyHo team and enhance the happiness quotient of your life.

HappyHo, Live Stress-Free!