Man lives in a dark night of the soul. Morning happens on the outside but very rarely in the inside. The moment it happens inside you are a christ, you are a buddha. The whole of life is really an opportunity to achieve that inner morning. The inner sun has to rise, and it can rise; it is just waiting for us. Just a hint from our side and it starts rising, just a small indication, “I am ready to receive,” and, “You are welcome,” and the miracle starts happening.

We are born to be blissful, it is our birthright. But people are so foolish, they don’t even claim their birthright. They become more interested in what others possess and they start running after those things. They never look within, they never search in their own house.

The intelligent person will begin his search from his inner being – that will be his first exploration – because unless I know what is within me, how can I go on searching all over the world? It is such a vast world.

And those who have looked within have found it instantly, immediately. It is not a question of gradual progress, it is a sudden phenomenon, a sudden enlightenment.