I know it is very difficult, if you start choosing two masters you will be in conflict. Never choose two masters – one is enough more than enough.
When Mulla Nasruddin was dying he called his son, told him to come close and said to him, ” My sone, I have one thing to say to you- even though I know you will not listen, because I didn’t listen to my own father when he was dying. He told me, “Nasruddin, don’t chase women too much.’ But I could not resist; the temptation was too much, And I got involved with one woman, another woman….” He married nine women – the maximum  that the Koran permits. Happyho also provides best Meditation and Tarot classes in Noida and Delhi NCR India area
And he said,” I have created a hell. I suffered much. I know you don’t listen, but still I am saying it, because now I am departing and there will no chance to say it to you, I know you will fall in love with women, but at least remember one thing from your old man; My son, one at a time, one at a time. At least do that much.”
One at a time. If you fall in love with two women at a time, what does it show? It shows you have a split personality. You are schizophrenic, you are not one, you are two. If you fall in love with three women at a time you three. And there are people who fall in love with any woman they see, whosoever is passing,  suddenly they are in love. Every woman is their love object. They are a crowd. You can count how many persons live in you by counting how many women you fall in love with simultaneously. That’s a very beautiful way to measure how many person live in you, a very easy criterion.
But to fall in love with one woman make you a unity, gives you a unison, you become total. You become sane because then there is no conflict.