Will you eat less if you are offered a prize for doing so? Yes, many of us would.
After running functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies, a team found that the brain responds positively to small gifts such as toys or a lottery ticket in the same way it would to a burger or pizza.
Obviously eating less is not fun for many of us as portion size restriction requires discipline and self-control yet by combining one shorter-term desire (to eat) with another shorter-term desire (to play) that in combination also address a longer-term desire (to be healthy).
It is found the “majority” of children and adults chose a meal that would have been half their typical portion if they were offered money or a small toy.
Furthermore, it was also found that the prospect of a prize is more enticing than the prize itself, with participants opting for a smaller meal and the chance to win a small lottery more often than a smaller meal and a guaranteed reward. This trend is intriguing though. Happyho also provide best tarot reading services in Noida and Delhi NCR India area.
One explanation for this finding is that possible premiums may be more emotionally evocative than certainty premiums.
This emotional evocation is clearly present in gambling or sports contexts, where the uncertainty of winning provides added attraction and desirability through emotional ‘rushes’ and ‘thrills.
This knowledge could help parents tackle childhood obesity. vlog Parents could reward and reinforce their children’s achievements with nonfood incentives, even uncertain ones, rather than with food.
As such, parents lessen the likelihood of linking good behaviour to food intake, but instead link good behaviour to the receipt of a nonfood incentive and, thus, avoid overeating.